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#22,579 of 87,808 users
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leonardo78ca (4)
PC GCs for FS GCs
Cross-traded on October 7, 2006 RedFlagDeals
Traded again... another quick and easy trade. I wish there were more traders like him around! Thanks!
October 10, 2006
Matrx (131)
Sold zenith a very large sum of HBC GCs
zenith was the Buyer on May 16, 2006 RedFlagDeals
Excellent trader. Very honest and prompt with communication. Long distance trade conducted without any problems. I would not hesitate to recommend or deal with zenith again!
May 17, 2006
leonardo78ca (4)
Home Depot and Best Buy GCs traded for Petro Canada GCs
Cross-traded on September 21, 2006 RedFlagDeals
I traded him 10 HD GCs and 4 BB GCs for 14 PC GCs. We met locally, was fast and easy. Would definitely trade with him again.
September 22, 2006
leonardo78ca (4)
Home Depot traded for Petro Canada GCs
Cross-traded on October 6, 2006 RedFlagDeals
Traded again, easy and fast, very trustworthy! Thanks again!
October 7, 2006